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1. Color scheme. It is better to use soft pastel colors in the design: white, light green, beige, etc. Bright colors and shades excite the brain and are not conducive to restful sleep. It is better to avoid these moments.

2. Choosing bedroom furniture. The bed should be comfortable and supportive of the spine. The rest of the furniture in the bedroom: wardrobes, bedside tables, ottomans - is chosen according to the size of the room.

3. How to arrange furniture. It is best to follow some important rules when arranging furniture:

- minimum of items;

- the chair should be placed away from the bed;

- cabinets and tables should match the main bedroom decor;

- if you need to put a desk, it is better to give preference to a console table;

- do not hang a TV in the bedroom, because it is a place for sleeping, not for entertainment;

- a hanger and hangers, for those who like to throw clothes around.

4. Lighting. Lighting in the bedroom should be minimal. Bedside lamps and a ceiling lamp are the minimum that can provide comfort.



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